“Dreamers”, who have long been a symbol of youth immigrants, are increasingly growing older, while eligibility requirements have been frozen since 2012 when the DACA
A record surplus of employment-based green cards available this year is forcing pressure on U.S. Immigration agencies to issue all available visas before the fiscal
Homeland Security Bill Approved The US House Committee on Appropriations approved an $85.67 billion Homeland Security bill for 2023 — $2.7 billion more than the
Green card backlogs for family-based immigrants have grown steadily over the last thirty years, making lawful immigration and family reunification difficult for millions of families.
The US Administration recently unveiled a legislative package called the America COMPETES Act of 2022, the full response to the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act
H1B Immigration Visas The DHS plans to publish a regulation on “Modernizing H-1B Requirements and Oversight and Providing Flexibility in the F-1 Program.” Some aspects
The U.S. Administration is ordering immigration enforcement agencies to change how they talk about immigrants. The terms “illegal alien” and “assimilation” are out — replaced
The latest version of the U.S. Administration’s $1.75 trillion social spending bill (Build Back Better) includes immigration provisions that would give up to 10 years